
Housing needs assessment

We have recently put in a request with ‘Locality’ who provide grants and technical assistance for Neighbourhood Planning. I have just been talking to their representative who has arranged a meeting with AECOM, the organisation who will be undertaking the assessment. This is a desktop assessment, using information already in the public domain, and will steer us on any future housing needs survey.

Affordable Housing Grant and Survey

At last night’s Steering Group meeting, it was decided to apply for a grant from Locality for assessing the needs for affordable housing within the 3 parish area. We also now have all the information we need to start thinking about the public survey which will guide policy writing for the completed Neighbourhood plan, so a sub-group will be meeting soon to go over responses from the previous survey and other sources, to decide on what questions need to be in the final survey, which should also include a housing needs survey.

New Documents Uploaded

I have uploaded 4 new documents on the Documents page.

These are:

Historic England Designation Letter
Neighbourhood Planning and the Historic Environment
Waterway Proofing of Planning Policy
Planning for Waterways in Neighbourhood Plans

I have also added links on the Links page to:

The Canal & River Trust Planning Policy
Governmental Planning Policy

Progress so far

The online (and paper form) survey have been completed, and now the children at the schools have had their chance to give their opinions. Specially tailored sets of questions have been delivered on electronic ‘pod’ devices, which engaged the primary-aged children and allowed us to gather information about the (hopefully) future inhabitants of the villages. One popular response in Moreton Say was that they would like to see ‘thicker’ roads. Not sure how we go about that one…