
The Big Questions

The survey is now live! If you look on the Home page, you will find a link to a separate page that has the information sheet and a link to start the survey. Or you can follow the link below. Please note, that as we are not allowed to collect personal data (including logins), it is not possible to save the questionnaire and complete it later, meaning that it will have to be completed in one sitting.

Please fill it in, it is the future of your parish that is at stake!

Please note that responses are requested by the end of October, but you may be able to still enter them for a very short while after that, as we wait for the last postal responses.


The Big Questions

The surveys have now starting hitting the mats of all residents of the three parishes. We would urge everyone to fill this in, as the wishes of as many residents as possible give us the best chance to produce a plan that will encompass the views of all and influence any planning decisions going forward.

The Big Questions

At some point in the next week every household will be receiving a letter from the Three Parishes Neighbourhood Plan. Please read and respond its contents are very important.

 The letter will explain what we are trying to achieve with the Neighbourhood Plan and it will ask you to complete a questionnaire. We understand that it’s a long questionnaire, there are 56 questions,  but these questions cover what you want Adderley to become in the intervening years until 2036. Your views and the views of your family will inform the Neighbourhood Plan alongside evidence from the presentations that we have done plus all of the statistical evidence together with the  views of everybody from the Canals and Waterways Trust, Historic England and Shropshire Council to Land Agents. Your views are particularly important.

You will have until the end of October to complete the form and there is a pre paid envelope for you to return it to The Shropshire Rural Community Charity who are undertaking the analysis for us. Alternatively you can complete the form online and the web link to enable you to do this will be posted on the website in the next couple of days.

As an incentive you have the option of being included in a draw to win a £100 shopping voucher. there will be one voucher for each of the parishes so you’re in with a chance.

The Neighbourhood Plan, when it is adopted, carries the force of law in planning matters and so it is vital that as many people in the parish complete the questionnaire. Look out for the letter, it’s clearly marked and it should be dropping through letterboxes soon.

The survey is completely anonymous. Any personal details you provide for the draw will be separated out and any information you provide will be only kept for the duration of the survey and draw then it will be destroyed.

Household survey

Well we now have the survey back from the printers. It will take us a little time to address and stuff envelopes, but they should be arriving with you soon.

Although we are sending everyone a printed copy which can be filled in and returned, it will save your Parish Councils’ money if you fill it in online, both through smaller postage costs and less manual data entry.

Also, remember that there is a separate slip included to enter into a draw that could win you £100 supermarket voucher (one per parish). The slip is separate so that the surveys can be compiled anonymously.

It will soon be your chance to have your say on the future of your parish. The more survey returns we get, the better will be our understanding of your wishes. Remember that when the plan is written it becomes a legally binding document that any planning decisions have to be based on, both at parish and county level.

Time to carry on

Well, the steering group had their first meeting last night since lockdown, albeit a virtual meeting. It has been decided that now is the time to start the ball rolling again. Shropshire Council’s Local Plan and the government’s white paper on planning were discussed, and it was decided to put to the full group the prospect of printing and distributing the household survey, and to hold an event (outdoors) in each parish to both publicise and explain the survey to parishoners.

Questionnaire Progress

Last night’s Steering Group Meeting saw good progress on the preparation of the questionnaire which will be sent to every house in the 3 parishes. As long as everything goes to plan, you can expect to see the questionnaire sometime after Easter, and don’t forget, the more that are filled in, the better idea we have of how everyone sees the 3 parishes going forward in terms of future development whether it be residential, business or leisure.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all. We are currently reviewing a first draft of a questionnaire format to be sent to all properties in the 3 parishes. This will be discussed at the next Steering Group meeting.

In the meantime, try hard to stick to your resolutions and have a great 2020.

Housing Needs Assessment

I’ve just been on a call with AECOM, who are due to carry out our Housing Needs Assessment. They will make recommendations to Locality, who should approve our request. At that point the assessment will begin. This is a desk-based assessment, covering published information from, amongst others, the 2001 census and the Land Registry. This process, once started should take between 2 and 4 weeks.