Meeting with SRCC and APT

Members of the Steering Group met with Renee from SRCC and representatives of apT on 5th December at Adderley Village Hall. The representatives from each Parish described their area, population, features etc and also the reasons for wanting to undertake this joint Neighbourhood Plan. Renee then went through a draft schedule of works to detailing who would be doing what and explained how the complimentary skills of apT and SRCC would benefit the project. Costings were also discussed based on the Expressions of Interest already received and also the optional work was explained.


Renee introduced herself, and the work of SRCC, and thanked the group for allowing them to work with the steering group to complete phase 1 of the project along with Apt. The meeting discussed the need to engage and consult with as many of the residents as possible regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and how different events would be required to reach different demographics with day events as well as evening ones. Renee explained the need for a Communications Strategy, incorporating the new GDPR legislation, along with the details of other community groups and any events they were holding that the Neighbourhood Plan group could tap into. It was decided that one, or possibly two members from each parish should meet Renee with all the above information relating to their parish and work out a programme of events across the three parishes.

What Is A Neighbourhood Plan?

In a Neighbourhood Plan The whole community then decides at a referendum vote whether the local authority should bring the plan into force.

A Neighbourhood plan is an important document with real legal force, therefore there are certain formal procedures that it must go through.

It is not intended that the Neighbourhood Planning process requires professionals, but instead relies on the skills available from local people.

A Neighbourhood Plan must be in general conformity with the Council’s development plan documents, plans and strategies from other public bodies, utility and service providers.

Neighbourhood Planning cannot prevent development but it can influence where new development is located, and the design, layout and materials used.

Neighbourhood Planning can help to ensure that new development is sympathetic to the surrounding area and meets the needs of the local community.

We need volunteers to develop our plan…

Can you commit to 24 meetings over two years? Do you have experience of marketing, planning or organising events? Do you like talking to people?

If you can help with any of these things or you just want to be involved in this crucial piece of work please contact Paul Nash:


T: 07525 19892